Halimeda Single Stem Plant
Halimeda Single Stem Plant
Scientific name...................Family Penicillus
Size.................About 2-6""
Reef safe.................Look great for reef tanks. Alos good for filtering the water. They come with roots and can be planted in your substrate
Diet...........Filter feeder
Compatibility.............Some fish will feed on some but not all of the plants
How Common to this area.............Very Common. We usually have 4-6 different kinds
Halimeda is a green macroalgae whose tissue contains calcium carbonate. Halimeda grows in tropical oceans both in shallow and deep water. The main root of the plant will attach to any sandy substrate or live rock found in your aquarium. It's typically referred to as Cactus algae because it looks like a prickly pear cactus - it has flat segments that join to together much like a pricky pear cactus. Halimeda grows slowly and maximum growth height is about 4". For a healthy plant, we recommend calcium supplements, carbon dioxide and aquarium fertilizer. If their leaves turn white, don't panic, segments of this algae will sometimes die and the white is the calcium carbonate from their tissue.